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Sports and Outdoors

Monday Walkers

Beth BarnesContact

We meet every Monday morning at 7 at one of three locations for a 1.5 or 3.0 mile walk. We begin slowly, build gradually, and no one gets left behind. Bring a Women’s Club friend or potential member with you as we walk, talk, and get fit. We walk or run the Lady Track Shack 5k together, an event held in Winter Park every year in October to benefit breast cancer research. New members are welcome.

Spectator Sports Fans

Merrell BaileyContact

Are you a sports enthusiast? The Spectator Sports Fans interest group is for you! Join your sports fan friends and have fun attending UCF sporting events. Working with the UCF Athletics Association, we aspire to attend an event for each of the UCF women’s sports each year. We will schedule other events as interested. Friends and family always welcome. Come join our cheering session for UCF sports events.

Take a Hike!

Kathy Blackburn – Contact – (407) 443-7231

Join the hiking group and you will enjoy many benefits that the outdoors can offer: exercise your muscles, balance, and breathing; you replenish your stock of vitamin D, vital for your immune system; you unhack your brain, making it possible to prevent mental decline and to make better decisions–all without ever noticing it! On a trail, you enjoy the company of fellow hikers, you meet and make new friends, you hear birds singing, you feel amazed by the natural beauty of the world around us and you come back full of gratitude for being a part of it. It’s difficult to find another activity that boosts so much of our well-being; the beauty of nature never fails to recharge your body and uplift your spirit! We offer walks and hikes to members of all levels of fitness; we welcome YOU!