As recently-elected president of Women’s Club at UCF, I join a long line of women who have served our club very admirably. While we have a very rich history, the Club’s future continues to shine brightly.
As president, I preside at monthly Board meetings, composed of elected officers and board members as well as appointed committee chairpersons. This group oversees the business of the club, awarding of scholarships, and coordinates the planning of the enriching and fun activities we all enjoy as well as the club’s contributions to UCF.
A little about me: I moved here from Alabama for a job as a young adult. I did graduate work at UCF and earned my Ed.D Degree in 1994. I am retired from a career in public education. I spent about half my career as a guidance counselor and the other portion as an elementary school principal.
Most of my volunteer work has been done through my church, including teaching English to non-native speaking adults, teaching Bible study at both Orange and Seminole County jails, as well as serving as moderator of my church’s business meetings. I am now completing training to become as Stephen Minister. I enjoy the LIFE Program at UCF, international travel, and spending time with my children and grandchildren—and friends, of course.
I look forward to getting to personally know more of our 175 or so Women’s Club members. Please contact me to just get acquainted and/or to share ideas about how we can make our club even better! I can be reached at mosteen45@icloud.com or at 407-421-0313.
Margaret Osteen