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The members of the Women’s Club at UCF have been supporting student scholarships since the organization was founded in 1969.  That tradition continues today.

Part of the activities of The Women’s Club at UCF involve raising funds to provide undergraduate and graduate scholarships.  The undergraduate scholarships honor the university’s first ladies and are awarded typically to deserving, non-traditional, full-time students. The graduate scholarships were established to honor a past member, Sheila B. Somerville.  The UCF Foundation actively supports donations to both of these scholarship funds.  Supporting higher education for both undergraduate and graduate students continues to be a part of the mission of the Club.


Dear Friends,

The Womens Club at UCF has a rich history of supporting accomplished and talented students through a number of scholarships. Those who receive these scholarships are bright and talented, have overcome significant personal hardships in pursuit of an education, and are considered to be non-traditional students. Scholarship recipients also gain far more than critical financial support. They receive hope for their dreams, and the knowledge that the Women’s Club at UCF believes in them and are proud of their accomplishments.

With this in mind, please consider a gift to the Foundation to support these scholarships for undergraduate as well as graduate students. In addition to extending a hand to deserving students, your gifts will also honor our First Ladies in their unwavering devotion over the past several decades to providing critical support to students in need.

Gifts to endowed funds will be invested so the endowment can support more students over time.  Gifts to spending funds make immediate impact and help provide scholarships in the current year.

You can make a difference! Your tax deductible gift may be made anytime throughout the year and may be made as a direct contribution, as a memorial, to honor special people in your life, or as a planned gift in your estate. If you are interested in learning more about giving back through a will bequest, please contact me directly.

To make a gift online, go to Donation FY24 – Women’s Club · GiveCampus where you can designate your gift to the “UCF First Ladies Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship” or the “Sheila B. Somerville Endowed Graduate Scholarship Spending.”

For gifts via check, please make checks payable to “The UCF Foundation” and designate on the memo line either Women’s Club at UCF “Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Fund” or “Endowed Graduate Scholarship Fund” . Your gift should be mailed to:

University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 168002
Orlando, Fl 32816-3222

On behalf of the Scholarship Committee, we sincerely appreciate your continued support and commitment. Please join us this year by making a gift to a UCF Women’s Club Scholarship.

Maggie Leclair
Scholarship Chair


Persons interested in applying for the undergraduate scholarships should contact :

UCF Office of Student Financial Assistance
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Millican Hall, Room 120
Orlando, FL 32816-0113

Visit UCF Financial Aid Office Visit UCF Foundation